

The 2023年秋季 预览Pitzer程序 is a fly-in program that will be hosted in-person starting 周日,10月8日至周二,10月10日. 如果COVID-19病例或洛杉矶县限制发生变化, all applicants will be notified via email if there are any changes to the program.

由于COVID-19的高传染性, we are asking all our visitors to adhere to Pitzer’s 入学 访问 policy in order to protect our community and stay healthy. Please refer to our 入场及访客政策 for our current policies and procedures: 入场及访客政策.

All applicants agree to adhere to the required guidelines during their visit to Pitzer College and 同意出示疫苗接种证明 OR 在访问后72小时内PCR结果为阴性.


As part of our commitment to our core and community values of 跨文化理解, Pitzer College will host our Fall 预览Pitzer程序 starting 周日,10月8日至周二,10月10日. The 预览Pitzer程序 is a pre-application program designed for high school seniors attending school in the United States that are either first-generation college students and/or from underrepresented cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds. This program gives all students the opportunity to visit Pitzer on an all-expenses paid two and a half day trip to campus.


This program provides prospective students an opportunity to experience the distinctive atmosphere that sets Pitzer College apart from other colleges. 你将有机会和值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的学生交流, 参加教授小组讨论, 并与招生顾问进行一对一的互动!

If you are unable to attend the 预览Pitzer程序 and would still like to visit Pitzer, 我们很高兴下次再来欢迎您. More information about in-person and virtual campus visits can be found 在我们的网站上.


The application for the 2023年秋季 预览Pitzer程序 will go live this summer! 申请截止日期为2023年8月27日星期日.

Please note: The application will require a copy of your unofficial high school transcript through the end of your junior year. 你也会被要求写一篇文章, and we recommend writing this essay before starting the application. This essay prompts are the same ones you will find on the Common Application, 你可以在两份申请中使用相同的论文. 你会发现下面的作文提示:

在比萨, five core values distinguish our approach to education: social responsibility, 跨文化理解, 跨学科学习, 学生参与和环境可持续性. As agents of change, our students utilize these values to create solutions to our world’s challenges. 请只回答 一个 以下的提示在650字以内.

  • Describe what you are looking for from your college experience and why Pitzer would be a good fit for you.
  • Reflecting on your involvement throughout high school or within the community, 你是如何践行值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的一个或多个核心价值观的?

Additionally, all applicants are REQUIRED to answer the following prompt in 250 words or less:

  • 作为一个使命驱动的机构, we value and celebrate the synergy created by our differences and similarities. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, 身份, 或者你想给值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台带来的个人利益, 以及你打算如何参与我们的社区. (250字)


Pitzer College seeks to enroll students whose backgrounds and experiences offer varying perspectives on living and learning in a multicultural world. 为了做到这一点, we offer this program to encourage students to connect and enroll at Pitzer College.


High school seniors attending school in the United States that are either first-generation college students and/or from underrepresented cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds.

请填写 在线申请. Additionally you will need to upload an unofficial copy of your high school transcript with your application.

Once you apply online, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. 如果您没有收到电子邮件,请致电我们的办公室909.621.8129或给我们的团队发邮件 (电子邮件保护).

作为匹泽预演计划的参与者, 你将有机会与老师见面, 教职员及学生导师. The 预览Pitzer程序 is a chance to learn about all the things that make Pitzer special and have all your questions answered prior to applying for first-year admission in the fall.

While there will be some exposure to the other Claremont Colleges, this program is geared towards students who are interested specifically in Pitzer College. 学生 are required to stay on Pitzer’s campus at all times unless otherwise stated.

该项目为学生提供, 他们可能没有办法去拜访值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台, with an opportunity to experience our campus community on a fully funded trip.

Does attending the 预览Pitzer程序 increase my chances of being admitted to Pitzer?
匹泽采用全面的录取审查程序, in which a variety of factors are taken into account by admission staff. 参加这个项目并不能保证被皮泽大学录取, while not being selected for the program does not prevent a student from gaining admission.

While we love our prospective families, the 预览Pitzer程序 is a student only program. 在这个快节奏的项目中,没有家长的空间, and we are not able to provide transportation for any family members. 欢迎家长发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) if they’d like to learn about other ways they can visit Pitzer College.

我不能参加这个项目. 还有其他参观校园的机会吗?
不幸的是, we are not able to offer other all expense-paid options outside of the 预览Pitzer程序. 如欲了解其他参观机会,请浏览 我们的网站.

Please contact a member of our 预览的比萨 Team if you have questions. The team can be reached by calling our office at (909) 621-8129 or emailing (电子邮件保护).

We are excited about your interest in Pitzer College, and hope to see your application this fall!
